These are the changes that I've applied to your code, in diff format:
Code: Select all
$ diff -u main.lua.old --strip-trailing-cr
--- main.lua.old 2023-09-01 08:09:02.000000000 +0200
+++ 2023-09-01 16:29:43.845043823 +0200
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
acc = 1000,
maxSpeed = 500,
factor = 1,
+ zoom = 3, -- or whichever
isGrounded = false
@@ -41,7 +42,14 @@
Box_1 = Platform
Box_2 = Platform2
- world:add(Player, Player.x, Player.y, Player.w, Player.h)
+ -- Make the Bump object the same size as the zoomed player, and in the
+ -- correct position. Bump only accepts top left corners as coordinates,
+ -- therefore we need to apply half the zoomed width as X and the full
+ -- zoomed height as Y.
+ world:add(Player,
+ Player.x - Player.w * Player.zoom * 0.5,
+ Player.y - Player.h * Player.zoom,
+ Player.w * Player.zoom, Player.h * Player.zoom)
world:add(Box_1, Box_1.x, Box_1.y, Box_1.w, Box_1.h)
world:add(Box_2, Box_2.x, Box_2.y, Box_2.w, Box_2.h)
@@ -61,8 +69,10 @@
function collide(player, dt)
- local finalX = player.x + player.xVel * dt
- local finalY = player.y + player.yVel * dt
+ -- finalX and finalY need to be applied to the top left corner,
+ -- so that bump.lua can work with what it expects.
+ local finalX = player.x - player.w * player.zoom * 0.5 + player.xVel * dt
+ local finalY = player.y - player.h * player.zoom + player.yVel * dt
local actualX, actualY, cols, len = world:move(player, finalX, finalY)
@@ -80,8 +90,10 @@
- player.x = actualX
- player.y = actualY
+ -- Our player.x and player.y have an offset with respect to what
+ -- bump.lua returns, so we apply it back here.
+ player.x = actualX + player.w * player.zoom * 0.5
+ player.y = actualY + player.h * player.zoom
function appGravity(dt)
@@ -153,7 +165,7 @@,2)
- currAnim:draw(Player.img, Player.x, Player.y, nil, Player.factor, 1, 4)
+ currAnim:draw(Player.img, Player.x, Player.y, nil, Player.factor * Player.zoom, Player.zoom, 4, 8)"line", Box_1.x, Box_1.y, Box_1.w, Box_1.h)"line", Box_2.x, Box_2.y, Box_2.w, Box_2.h)
If you don't understand diff format, feel free to ask. The basic idea is that you have to delete the lines that start with "-" and add the lines that start with "+". The "@@"'s separate blocks of consecutive "pasted" lines.
With this change, the player's anchor is at the bottom centre, rather than at the top left (meaning that Player.x and Player.y represent where the sprite's bottom centre is). This may be important for you later on.