MaxGamz wrote: ↑Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:26 am
I found many tutorials relating to this topic but most of them had to deal with box2d and windfield. I heard I can implement this using a Grid but I am not familiar with this method at all. I don't plan to use box2d or windfield since I don't want realistic physics in my game, but I'm not sure what other options I have.
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function isGridCollision (grid, gx, gy, cValue) -- grid as map[y][x]; gx, gy as integer grid position
if grid[gy] and grid[gy][gx] ~= nil then
-- tile exists
if grid[gy][gx] == cValue then -- cValue as collision value: wall, floor etc.
return true
return false -- no collision
-- tile not exist
return true -- collision to out-of-map
Optional can be rounding as
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gx = math.floor (x)
gy = math.floor (y)
So position x=3.14, y=6.98 can have collision with tile gx=3, gy=6, but not with gx=3, gy=7
The block object can have a list of tiles:
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blockObj1 = {
x=3, y=6,
tiles = {0,0, -- in the grid the position will be {x=3, y=6} for this tile
1,0, 0,1, 1,1}, -- the block has 2x2 shape now
w=2, h=2, -- the dimension of this block for rough_not_collision_detection,
-- that compares just AABB (minus one)
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function isRoughBBCollision (block1, block2) -- rough block-to-block collision (not tested)
if block2.x > block1.x+block1.w-1 or block2.y > block1.y+block1.h-1
or block1.x > block2.x+block2.w-1 or block1.y > block2.y+block2.h-1 then
return false -- collision is not possible
return true -- may be collision, need for tile-by-tile comparing
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function isFineBBCollision (block1, block2) -- fine block-to-block collision (not tested)
local x1, y1, tiles1 = block1.x, block1.y, block1.tiles
local x2, y2, tiles2 = block2.x, block2.y, block2.tiles
for index1 = 1, #tiles1 -1, 2 do
for index2 = 1, #tiles2-1, 2 do
if x1+tiles1[index1] == x2+tiles2[index2] and
y1+tiles1[index1+1] == y2+tiles2[index2+1] then
-- the tiles have collision, optionally the position of it.
return true, x1+tiles1[index1], y1+tiles1[index1+1]
return false
The object-to-grid collision detection is almost same:
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function isBGCollision (grid, block) -- block-to-grid collision (not tested)
local x, y, tiles = block.x, block.y, block.tiles
for index = 1, #tiles -1, 2 do
local gx, gy = x+tiles[index], y+tiles[index+1]
if isGridCollision (grid, gx, gy, 1) then -- collision on value = 1
return true, gx, gy
return false