Want to add a timer which counts how many time take to complete a level

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Want to add a timer which counts how many time take to complete a level

Post by kiyo »

I want to add a clock which shows how many minutes or seconds past to complete a level. How can I achieve this?
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Re: Want to add a timer which counts how many time take to complete a level

Post by GVovkiv »

Best way that i can think of:

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local time = 0

love.update = function(dt)
	time = time + dt -- counted in miliseconds. 1 = 1 real seconds
Then you can translate this time to minutes, hours, etc:

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print(time / 60) --floor it or ceil?
To get amount of minutes

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print((time / 60) / 60)
Amount of hours
And so on
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Re: Want to add a timer which counts how many time take to complete a level

Post by Bigfoot71 »

If there is no need to continuously display the timer you can also just retrieve the time at departure and arrival and subtract the departure time from the arrival time.

You can then round the result if you want to display it as an integer or if you want to display it as a floating number you can use string.format. Here is a more complete example:

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local t_start = os.clock()

for i = 1, 10000 do end -- "simulate" the game

local t_end = os.clock()

local total = t_end - t_start

print(string.format("%.6f Sec",total))  -- `.6f` means 6 digits after the decimal
print(math.floor(total+.5))     -- Or we round the number
You can then convert also to minutes, hours etc as GVovkiv said ;)

Edit: to round the minutes "closer to reality" you can round as I showed in my example.

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local seconds = 59 -- We want it to be worth 1 minutes
local minutes = math.floor(seconds/60+.01666666666666672) -- because 59/60=0.98333... S/60+(1-59/60)

-- Note: But it can be redundant to search for the right value
-- for and it will only work for a value less than 60
-- so you can also use the modulo operator with a condition

minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60)
if seconds % 60 == 59 then
  minutes = minutes + 1

Sorry, I don't have the right term in English, but otherwise, to be completely accurate, you should just use math.floor if 59 seconds isn't a minute for you. You know everything like that ^^

As a bonus, a function to correctly convert seconds into hours, minutes, seconds. I don't want to confuse you with my rounding stories, so everything is clear for you!

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function getTimeFromSec(seconds)
    local hours = math.floor(seconds/3600)
    seconds = seconds-(hours*3600)
    local minutes = math.floor(seconds/60)
    seconds = seconds-(minutes*60)
    return string.format("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds)    -- Displays as follows: H:M:S    -- %02d is used to display "00" if empty or "01" for 1.
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Re: Want to add a timer which counts how many time take to complete a level

Post by kiyo »

Thank you all.... Here is my solution...

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function love.load()
    -- Initialize everything
    timer = 0
    maxTimer = 1
    hour = 0
    minute = 0
    seconds = 0

function love.update(dt)
    increaseTime(dt)                                      -- call the function increaseTime

function love.draw()


function increaseTime(dt)
    timer = timer + dt                                     -- increase timer every frame

    if timer >= maxTimer then                              -- if 1 second past reset timer and increase seconds
        seconds = seconds + 1
        timer = 0

    if seconds >= 60 then                                  -- if 1 minute past reset seconds and increase minute
        seconds = 0
        minute = minute + 1
    if minute >= 60 then                                   -- if 1 hour past reset minute and increase hour
        minute = 0
        hour = hour + 1
    -- print(timer)
    print(hour,minute,seconds)                             -- print(hour,minute,seconds)

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Re: Want to add a timer which counts how many time take to complete a level

Post by Bigfoot71 »

Your code may produce slight inaccuracies over time, I'd rather do something like this:

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function increaseTime(dt)

    timer = timer + dt

    if timer >= maxTimer then
        seconds = seconds + 1
        timer = timer - maxTimer

    if seconds >= 60 then
        seconds = seconds - 60
        minute = minute + 1
    if minute >= 60 then
        minute = minute - 60
        hour = hour + 1


But if you're not up to the milliseconds your code already makes coffee ^^
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Re: Want to add a timer which counts how many time take to complete a level

Post by darkfrei »

Set time

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function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, istouch)
  T = love.timer.getTime()
Get delta time:

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function love.mousereleased(x, y, button)
   DT = love.timer.getTime() - T
Show time and delta time:

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function love.draw()
  if T then
    love.graphics.print(T, 0, 0)
  if DT then
    love.graphics.print(DT, 0, 20)

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function disp_time(time)
  local days = math.floor(time/86400)
  local hours = math.floor(math.mod(time, 86400)/3600)
  local minutes = math.floor(math.mod(time,3600)/60)
  local seconds = math.floor(math.mod(time,60))
  return string.format("%d:%02d:%02d:%02d",days,hours,minutes,seconds)
(not tested)
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Re: Want to add a timer which counts how many time take to complete a level

Post by kiyo »

Bigfoot71 wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:48 pm Your code may produce slight inaccuracies over time, I'd rather do something like this:

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function increaseTime(dt)

    timer = timer + dt

    if timer >= maxTimer then
        seconds = seconds + 1
        timer = timer - maxTimer

    if seconds >= 60 then
        seconds = seconds - 60
        minute = minute + 1
    if minute >= 60 then
        minute = minute - 60
        hour = hour + 1


But if you're not up to the milliseconds your code already makes coffee ^^

Thank you, this works like a charm
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