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Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:24 am
by BrotSagtMist
This is Bibhandgemalt.
(5.46 KiB) Downloaded 161 times
A lib that when loaded and activated intercepts, circle and rectangle to make them look like they where painted with a pen.
Instructions in the file.
ssss.png (149.2 KiB) Viewed 4505 times

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:08 pm
by knorke
That is a neat effect and the demo with showcase is nice as well. :crazy:

1) Would be nice if it worked with text and
For example when shapes are drawn like this:

Code: Select all ("line", v.b:getWorldPoints(v.s:getPoints()))
2) When drawing rectangles with "line" style then setLineWidth () has no effect.
(the rect outline is always 1 pixel wide)

As test, I added it to my game viewtopic.php?p=250233#p250233 See the screenshots, to be honest it did not look as good as I had hoped but I did not try any adjustments yet. Just added BH.on() on top main.lua
I think there is lots of potential in this lib.

3) Somehow it draws over the letter-boxes of TLfres (yes, I know it an older lib and my version is a bit customized)

4) It seems as if canvases are drawn with transparent alpha when handgemalt is active?

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:30 pm
by BrotSagtMist
Polygons are not in my scope really. Anyone advanced enough to use them could write such lib themself.

This lib basically only uses
I can probably just add setLineWidth=setPointSize to make thickness work, ill add that if i do an update.
BUT the pen styles have their own thickness already.

It draws over the letterbox?

No it should not mess with any canvas stuff.

Looking at your circles i should tweak the default values to something sane, but hey it works, not bad for a drop in.

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:43 pm
by BrotSagtMist
Ive done the update already. Thanks rainweather.
Please try again.

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:56 pm
by knorke
The new default values do look nicer.
BrotSagtMist wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:30 pmIt draws over the letterbox?
Yes, or rather pillarbox in this case.
The blue rectangle is the playable area where stuff gets drawn. The red circle at bottom left should only be barely visible since it is "off screen." (compare with attachment without handgemalt)
How can I just post a link to the attached picture without it automatically showing as picture?

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 1:06 pm
by BrotSagtMist
Huh i can not explain this.
I dont even see how this picture can be transformed into the upper picture by this lib :D
Like this are circle silouhetes and the lib tries to fill them.
And anything that covers this circle at the letterbox would cover the lib circles too.
Fun fun fun.

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 1:35 pm
by knorke
It is a mystery.
Here is another strange effect, which I guess has to do with transparency of canvases.
Sorry, I am too lazy to make a minimal test example:
1) Start the
2) Press space to switch from "single view" to "multiple view"
3) Use asdw to move around in the top left screen. all is well.
4) Now uncomment --BH.on() in line 2 of main.lua
5) Start, press space, move around
6) Notice how the static single-view level is still drawn in the background.
7) Comment out line 11 drawLevel (0,20,0,20) in ingame.lua and there is no more "over draw"

My ingameDraw function is something like:

Code: Select all

  	drawLevel (0,20,0,20)
   	printAllPlayers (800,20)
   	drawUnits ()
   	if splitScreen then
		for i=1, #views do
So it draws the level and if "splitscreen" is active then it just draws those extra views on top of the single-view. (this is just wip-code, obviously)
Thing is, when handgemalt is active then the drawLevel (0,20,0,20)'s graphics are still visible, while without handgemalt they get fully drawn over by the other draw-stuff.
It could well be something wrong in my code, so I do not want to see you on a wild goose chase. ;) Just thought it was interesting.

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:22 pm
by BrotSagtMist
Oh i had wrong defaults for rectangles too.
Fixed they look pretty nice.

Okey it took me way longer to see this too so dont feel ashamed: There is no bug. Its behaving exactly as it is supposed to do.
Youre overwriting your entire screen with black bars, these black bars now have holes in them, the holes are partly defined by their shape, so being a long vertical block they just have this pattern:

Personally id say this looks like a mayor resource waste. You can just make these bars using scissors which stop rendering in that area instead to render and then overwrite it.
You can _fix_ this by just moving BH.on() under your require stack since the black bars apparently make their own copy of rectangle.
Also note that your game screen appears to be rendered several times, see how thick the right boxes are compared to the left.

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:19 pm
by knorke
BrotSagtMist wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:22 pm...these black bars now have holes in them, the holes are partly defined by their shape, so being a long vertical block they just have this pattern:
Ah, yes, so obvious in hindsight. The solid filled rects are just not fully opaque anymore.
Personally id say this looks like a mayor resource waste. You can just make these bars using scissors which stop rendering in that area instead to render and then overwrite it.
Thanks, I did not not know about scissors. I think in this case the resource waste is negligible because the game's whole graphics are only a dozen circles and some lines.
Also note that your game screen appears to be rendered several times, see how thick the right boxes are compared to the left.
I think that is just a left-over test code that I had forgotten.
In file ingame.lua, line 11 there is drawLevel (0,20,0,20)
That line is not needed and its output gets overdrawn by the actual graphics. Just with the handgemalt it became noticeable.

Re: Bibhandgemalt

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:17 pm
by Gunroar:Cannon()
BrotSagtMist wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:24 am, circle and rectangle to make them look like they where painted with a pen.
I'm telling the truth.
The ding dong truth.


I haven't visited the library section of the forum in years :rofl:

Wow, real nice. What does it mean? Bib...hand painted? Baby paint?
Maybe you could make it more sketch like (edit: I mean chaotic) with different passes or something ... I don't know, kinda like this
