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How to make tone signal and multiple tone signals?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:38 am
by marcoortiz
Hi all!
Is it possible to make a tone signal? I've tried with the 1000 Hz 1 second wave file, but I hear small pause every second. Is it possible to make it continuously?
How to make 1000 Hz signal and 1500 Hz signal simultaneously?
Re: How to make tone signal and multiple tone signals?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:51 am
by darkfrei
I've generated the file on some online sound generator and it was with this problem too.
Just make your own sound as
Code: Select all
local rate = 44100 -- samples per second
local length = 1/32 -- 0.03125 seconds
local tone = 440.0 -- Hz
local p = math.floor(rate/tone) -- 100 (wave length in samples)
local soundData = love.sound.newSoundData(math.floor(length*rate), rate, 16, 1)
for i=0, soundData:getSampleCount() - 1 do
-- soundData:setSample(i, math.sin(2*math.pi*i/p)) -- sine wave.
soundData:setSample(i, i%p<p/2 and 1 or -1) -- square wave; the first half of the wave is 1, the second half is -1.
local source =
local function beep() source:play() end
Re: How to make tone signal and multiple tone signals?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 3:07 pm
by ReFreezed
You can use a
queueable source to generate continuous sound.
Code: Select all
local signal1Frequency = 1000
local signal2Frequency = 1500
local bufferSize = 1024
local sampleRate = 48000
local bitDepth = 16
local internalBuffers = 4
function love.load()
data = love.sound.newSoundData(bufferSize, sampleRate, bitDepth, 1)
source =, bitDepth, 1, internalBuffers)
local sampleCounter = 0
function love.update(dt)
for i = 1, source:getFreeBufferCount() do
for sampleIndex = 0, bufferSize-1 do
local time = sampleCounter / sampleRate
local signal1 = math.sin(signal1Frequency * time * 2*math.pi)
local signal2 = math.sin(signal2Frequency * time * 2*math.pi)
local combined = (signal1 + signal2) / 2
data:setSample(sampleIndex, combined)
sampleCounter = sampleCounter + 1
Re: How to make tone signal and multiple tone signals?
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:00 pm
by pgimeno
I wonder if the "small pause" you hear is actually a click that happens when the length is not an exact multiple of the period. A simple looping source should suffice, if you are cautious with that.
Code: Select all
local function getLoopingSineSource(freq)
local single_period_length = 44100 / freq
-- Make a search for the length that is closest to an exact multiple of
-- the period in the first 20 full cycles
local closest, closest_length
for i = 1, 20 do
local period = i * single_period_length
local rounded = math.floor(period + 0.5)
local dist = math.abs(period - rounded)
if i == 1 or dist < closest then
closest = dist
closest_length = rounded
local sdata = love.sound.newSoundData(closest_length, 44100, 16, 1)
for i = 0, closest_length - 1 do
sdata:setSample(i, math.sin(2 * math.pi / single_period_length * i))
local src =
return src
local src = getLoopingSineSource(1000)
local src2 = getLoopingSineSource(1500)