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Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:59 am
by nephele
I have a playable snapshot to present of Poppy, a 2d game in which you can draw your world as you run around in it.

In the future this will include a "programming" layer, which will teach about asynchornous programming. (You can read a bit morer about this idea on the git repo)

The game is somewhat playable now. However, there are a few things to note!
* Networking is unencrypted udp6/udp4. I want to switch over to DTLS+SCTP6 at some point (and then as alternatives DTLS+SCTP4; DTLS+UDP6; DTLS+UDP4; Websocket for the web). I probably will make a networking library for love2d for this, as i have not found any I liked, and I think a solid networking library would benefit other projects as well.
* Canvas chunking is unimplemented, currently each canvas is allocated as a big texture on the gpu, this makes the worlds limited to gpu specifics... not that great.
* Saving is unimplemented (sorry!), I want to do the chunking first :)
* Physics collision code is a bit buggy and needs to be rewritten, and the vector physics isn't in the game at all yet
* Programming layer is completel missing yet.

Anyhow, with all that in mind, feel free to try out this (pre-) release snapshot.

I did almost all my development on Haiku, so would be interested to hear what stuff may not work on MacOS Windows or Linux :)
(On haiku you need to use ipv6 to connect to the local server! I think this does not matter on linux)

Edit: completely forgot about my git repo uris, oops :D

Re: Poppy

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 12:22 pm
by Gunroar:Cannon()
Screenshots will be nice too ^^

Re: Poppy

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:56 pm
by pgimeno
In the git repository you have a tag called 'HEAD' and another tag called '83f17a519de4e285e28c248718c2f395d06972b7', both of which are causing issues with ambiguous references. I think you can delete them with:

Code: Select all

git push origin -d refs/tags/HEAD
git push origin -d refs/tags/83f17a519de4e285e28c248718c2f395d06972b7
Edit: Oh, and in the server you also have a tag with the name of a commit ID, which also causes problems. You can delete it from the remote repository by changing to the server repo or submodule and running:

Code: Select all

git push origin -d refs/tags/3447cbeba95455783a3fa28a26935e8960ff1a42

Re: Poppy

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:20 pm
by nephele
Ouch. good catch with the tags, that's what I get for trusting a webinterface... (Which, funnily enough, also has no way to delete the tags itself :D)

Here is a screenshot, as requested!
screenshot277.png (363.85 KiB) Viewed 2089 times