Love2D ECS?

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Love2D ECS?

Post by Seth144k »

so i was wondering because all of the other libraries about ECS are really difficult to use, to try to make my own! anyways i got something up and running but i was wondering if I'm doing it right. i also would like their to just be entities and i dont have to call their load, update, and draw function inside of main.lua and have everything be done automatically. optionally i would like all entites to have their own collision tag to make collisions easier. if anyone knows how to solve this then please help!
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Re: Love2D ECS?

Post by togFox »

What libraries have you tried/researched so far?
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Re: Love2D ECS?

Post by ReFreezed »

The main issue your code seem to have is that there are no arrays of entities or anything. The concept of an entity is that it's just "something/anything" in the game, i.e. a very generic concept. So we want to treat everything in a generic way, with ways to extend entities with entity-specific functionality.

Below is an example of a simple entity system. We have different types of entities, but when the system does things to the entities it treats them all the same way.

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-- Entity definitions.
local entityClasses = {}

entityClasses.wall = {} ; entityClasses.wall.__index = entityClasses.wall -- The __index thing is for metatables to work.
function entityClasses.wall:load(width, height)
	self.collisionType = "staticobject"
	self.width         = width
	self.height        = height
function entityClasses.wall:draw()  --[[...]]  end

entityClasses.player = {} ; entityClasses.player.__index = entityClasses.player
function entityClasses.player:load()
	self.collisionType = "character" = 100
function entityClasses.player:update(dt)  --[[...]]  end
function entityClasses.player:draw()      --[[...]]  end

entityClasses.enemyRobot = {} ; entityClasses.enemyRobot.__index = entityClasses.enemyRobot
function entityClasses.enemyRobot:load()
	self.collisionType = "character"        = 100
	self.armor         = 100
function entityClasses.enemyRobot:update(dt)  --[[...]]  end
function entityClasses.enemyRobot:draw()      --[[...]]  end

entityClasses.enemyBug = {} ; entityClasses.enemyBug.__index = entityClasses.enemyBug
function entityClasses.enemyBug:load()
	self.collisionType = "character"        = 50
	self.isFlying      = true
function entityClasses.enemyBug:update(dt)  --[[...]]  end
function entityClasses.enemyBug:draw()      --[[...]]  end

-- Entity system.
local spawnedEntities = {}

local function spawnNewEntity(entityType, x, y, ...)
	local entityClass = entityClasses[entityType]
	local entity      = {type=entityType, x=x, y=y, collisionType="none"} -- All entities have these fields.
	setmetatable(entity, entityClass) -- Any field not present in entity (like the methods) will be retrieved from entityClass.__index.
	table.insert(spawnedEntities, entity)

	if entity.load then

local function callMethodOnEntities(methodName, ...)
	for _, entity in ipairs(spawnedEntities) do
		if entity[methodName] then
			entity[methodName](entity, ...)

-- LÖVE callbacks.
function love.load()
	spawnNewEntity("wall"      , 0 , 0 , 1, 100)
	spawnNewEntity("wall"      , 50, 0 , 1, 100)
	spawnNewEntity("player"    , 10, 20)
	spawnNewEntity("enemyRobot", 20, 20)
	spawnNewEntity("enemyBug"  , 25, 40)

function love.update(dt)
	callMethodOnEntities("update", dt)

	-- Collision handling.
	for _, entity in ipairs(spawnedEntities) do
		if entity.collisionType == "character" then
			-- (Collide with things...)

function love.draw()
I'm not sure what you mean by "collision tag" but I'm assuming it's something that says what type of collision the entity should have, so I included something for that in the code.
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