A very simple camera lib
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 7:23 am
Last week I implemented a very simple camera for Battle Cry.
My requirements were:
The latest version (for now) can be found here: https://github.com/kikito/battle-cry/bl ... camera.lua
That's pretty much it. In English:
My requirements were:
- As easy to use as possible
- Should be small, and don't rely on external libs or class systems
- Only translation; no rotation/scaling
- Should be "clampable" to a map area
- Should use the whole screen; no "windows" needed
- No paralax scrolling needed
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-- camera.lua
-- viewport and boundaries are expressed as left, top, width and height
local viewport = {
l = 0,
t = 0,
w = love.graphics.getWidth(),
h = love.graphics.getHeight()
local boundary = {
l = 0,
t = 0,
w = viewport.width,
h = viewport.height
local function clampNumber(v, min, max)
if max < min then return 0 end -- this happens when viewport is bigger than boundary
return v < min and min or (v > max and max or v)
local function clampCamera()
viewport.l = clampNumber(viewport.l, boundary.l, boundary.l + boundary.w - viewport.w)
viewport.t = clampNumber(viewport.t, boundary.t, boundary.t + boundary.h - viewport.h)
local function setViewport(l, t, w, h)
viewport.l, viewport.t, viewport.w, viewport.h = l, t, w or viewport.w, h or viewport.h
local function setBoundary(l, t, w, h)
boundary.l, boundary.t, boundary.w, boundary.h = l, t, w, h
local function lookAt(x,y)
setViewport(math.floor(x - viewport.w / 2), math.floor(y - viewport.h / 2))
local function draw(f)
love.graphics.translate(-viewport.l, -viewport.t)
local function getViewport()
return viewport.l, viewport.t, viewport.w, viewport.h
return {
setViewport = setViewport,
setBoundary = setBoundary,
getViewport = getViewport,
lookAt = lookAt,
draw = draw
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local camera = require 'camera'
local worldWidth, worldHeight = 3000, 2000
function love.load()
-- The camera is bound to a rectangle with corners in 0,0 and dimensions 3000x2000
camera.setBoundary(0,0, worldWidth, worldHeight)
function love.update(dt)
-- center the camera on coordinates 200, 300
camera.lookAt(200, 300)
function love.draw()
love.graphics.print(100, 100, "This will be drawn without the camera")
love.graphics.print(100, 100, "This will be drawn with the camera")
- You use camera.setBoundary to tell the camera how big is your "game world". This limits how you can move it.
- You can orientate the camera with camera.LookAt - this will center the view in a particular coordinate. Usually, this means the player coordinates
- camera.draw takes a function. What you put inside that function is drawn with the camera (this is, scrolled up/down/left/right accordingly to where the camera is looking at). The rest is drawn without it. In the sample above, the second message will be displaced.
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camera.setViewport(0,0, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight())
-- you will probably want to "look at what you were looking" after updating the viewport; for example:
camera.lookAt(player.x, player.y)