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Gamepad DPAD cant press up or left

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 11:11 pm
by kbmonkey

So I have gone through all other gamepad related posts on the forum and found that by calling loadGamepadMappings("gamecontrollerdb.txt") it detects my Super Famicom NES-like Controller correctly.

The problem: The DPAD does not work out the box, and I call setGamepadMapping() to foolishly attempt configuring the DPAD. The Down and Right directions seem to work, but Up and Left do not. I suspect because it reports AxisCount of 2, any mappings beyond that are simply ignored.

I am a fan of restrictions when developing games to inspire creativity, but making all my games with only Right & Down movement is a bit absurd. Any tips to point out my mistake is welcome, please!

Pertinent Details:
OS: Windows (10)
Löve version: 11.3
Gamepad purchased from: ... controller
gamepad.jpg (4.53 KiB) Viewed 2746 times

Code: Select all

function love.load()

function love.update(dt)


function love.keypressed(key)

function love.joystickadded(joystick)
    print("Name", joystick:getName())
    print("ID", joystick:getID())
    print("GUID", joystick:getGUID())
    print("ButtonCount", joystick:getButtonCount())
    print("Info", joystick:getDeviceInfo())
    print("AxisCount", joystick:getAxisCount())
    print("isGamepad", joystick:isGamepad())

    -- map right dpad - works
    print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "dpright", "axis", 1))

    -- map down dpad - works
    print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "dpdown", "axis", 2))

    -- no error, no input -- obviously limited to AxisCount. How to map rest of DPAD?
    print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "dpleft", "axis", 3))
    --print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "dpleft", "axis", 4))
    --print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "dpleft", "axis", 5))
    --print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "dpleft", "axis", .. all through including 10))

    -- attempt using hat input with a gamepad clearly without a hat -- no error, no input
    --print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "dpup", "hat", 1, "u"))

    -- map a, b, x, y - works without loadGamepadMappings(), redundant with loadGamepadMappings().
    --print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "a", "button", 2))
    --print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "b", "button", 3))
    --print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "x", "button", 1))
    --print(love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(joystick:getGUID(), "y", "button", 4))

function love.gamepadpressed(joystick, button)
    print(joystick:getName(), button)

function love.joystickremoved(joystick)
    print("removed", joystick:getName())

Code: Select all

Name    USB gamepad
ID      1       1
GUID    030000001f08000001e4000000000000
ButtonCount     10
Info    2079    58369   0
AxisCount       2
isGamepad       true
USB gamepad             dpdown
USB gamepad             dpdown
USB gamepad             dpdown
USB gamepad             dpdown
USB gamepad             dpdown
USB gamepad             dpright
USB gamepad             dpright
USB gamepad             dpright
USB gamepad             dpright

Re: Gamepad DPAD cant press up or left

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 11:46 pm
by MrFariator
I ran into issues with the USB MegaDrive controller that came with Sega's MegaDrive Mini from some years back. In order to make the dpad work, I mapped those directions into leftx and lefty, as opposed to dpleft, dpright, etc. So something like:

Code: Select all

-- if megadrive mini controller is detected
local axes = joystick:getAxisCount()
love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(guid, "leftx", "axis",  axes-1 )
love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(guid, "lefty", "axis",  axes   )
And then you'd use LÖVE's love.gamepadaxis callback to check for inputs.

Judging by what your Windows controller test shows, I imagine you similarly need to treat the dpad as axes.

Re: Gamepad DPAD cant press up or left

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:32 pm
by kbmonkey
Thanks! I will try this out.