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Turning off physics collisions

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:20 pm
by TheFriendlyFoe
I want to make my track collide with my car, but only in the way I choose to. I'm using the isTouching functions to check when I hit the edge of the track so I can then put it at the start of the track. The current problem is the track moves slightly every time I crash into it because the physics engine counts it as colliding. I have set the track to dynamic so it can move around the screen instead of my car. I tried to mask collisions between the car and track but then it won't even check for collisions in the first place. Is there a way to have the game check for collisions but not do anything with them?

Re: Turning off physics collisions

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:19 am
by darkfrei
Some solutions:
1. Use your own physics that you can understand.
2. Don't move the track, but car and camera.
3. Move your track (and car) to the default position.