This is a newer Dust.
A Dust: Battle Beneath. A Run and Gun roguelike.
A run and gun roguelike on
Beta. (Follow for updates )
Play, or feedback, or check out the page. I apricot-apricated-appreciate any of these things. devlog
tigsource devlog
Oh and on facebook. It's new so get your friends and family that are on Zuckerberg's (coughspyware-cough) site to like it for no reason.
Unfortunately for me no twitter or other stuff for ... reasons.
Special thanks to:
-Gvovkiv for a lot. Testing gameplay, controls and helping with build to name a few.
-yetneverdone, BrotSagtMist and darkGran for testing and encouragement.
-darkfrei, FreezyDude and togFox helping test controls,
-pgimeno, zorg, grump and others in the forum for always answering my dumb questions.
And slime and co. for Looove2d. Woot.
It's a
(Fanfic on page 3 )