Title: Tangled Stones.
Genre: 2D puzzle.
Date of start of work: Wed Nov 04, 2020.
Date of release: Thu Apr 22, 2021.
Developers: only me.
There is a set of paired connected stones on the game field. The player's task is to untangle them and place them in the hole at the bottom of the screen.
Description: https://github.com/thewizardplusplus/tangled-stones/blob/master/docs/gameplay.md.
The stones are moved by the drag-and-drop mechanism using a mouse/touchscreen.
Resetting the game field is done with the @ button.
- LÖVE game file (410 KiB): https://github.com/thewizardplusplus/tangled-stones/releases/download/v1.5.6/tangled-stones.love
- Windows (4.06 MiB): https://github.com/thewizardplusplus/tangled-stones/releases/download/v1.5.6/tangled-stones-win64.zip
- macOS (5.67 MiB): https://github.com/thewizardplusplus/tangled-stones/releases/download/v1.5.6/tangled-stones-macos.zip
- Linux (in AppImage format; 4.1 MiB): https://github.com/thewizardplusplus/tangled-stones/releases/download/v1.5.6/tangled-stones.AppImage