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PlayBall (Harvard's GD50 Pong, but better)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:44 pm
by Mark Giraffe
I'm here to finally present to everyone, a LOVE2D game I've been playing around for a long time now.

PlayBall is a game I made as an updated version of Harvard University's CS50 2020's original Pong game for their game course, GD50. I'm currently in Alpha 2.4 for this one, but I guess it turned into beta now. Meh, I'll still make it alpha. The game is not your original Pong game. In here, there are 3 special additions: powerups, options and an AI mode.
  • Powerups: There are 3 powerups: one that adds a second ball in the game, one that grows the paddle that last touched the ball, and one that speeds up the ball.
  • Options: There's 1 type of options right now, which is the Volume. You can change the volume of the BGM or all sound effects.
  • Ai Mode: Can be activated as a choice when starting your game. You can choose how you want the AI to play with you.
It's basic, but still nice. One of the works I'm proud of. Thanks for reading and I hope to see what you think of it.

Some screenshots of the game:


Download the latest version here: PlayBall (Alpha 2.4)

Re: PlayBall (Harvard's GD50 Pong, but better)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 5:49 pm
by Gunroar:Cannon()
Wow, really great! Good work! :awesome: Maybe you could've added some screenshots for people who just want to see?