[Solved] Animation plays differently when mirroring and when not
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:54 pm
Having a weird problem, this video might help visualize it.
Basically the draw code I'm using for my left facing animation works exactly how it should but when I draw the animation for the right side it looks..off. My player's head doesn't seem to move with the body even though it's all connected in the png file, there's also a weird offset happening when the run animation is playing but only for the non-mirrored(right facing) animation.
plr.animationTable is just a table of different frames.
-Edit: It seems like specifically frame 6 of the run animation is super offset but only for the right facing draw
Basically the draw code I'm using for my left facing animation works exactly how it should but when I draw the animation for the right side it looks..off. My player's head doesn't seem to move with the body even though it's all connected in the png file, there's also a weird offset happening when the run animation is playing but only for the non-mirrored(right facing) animation.
Code: Select all
function player.draw()
local playerScaling = 2
for i,v in ipairs(player) do
love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
--width is used here to calculate offset when mirroring texture
local plrWidth = v.animationTable[math.floor(v.current_frame)]:getWidth() * playerScaling
local plrHeight = v.animationTable[math.floor(v.current_frame)]:getHeight() * playerScaling
v.width, v.height = plrWidth, plrHeight
--flips player's texture when switching directions
if v.dir == "right" then
love.graphics.draw(v.animationTable[math.floor(v.current_frame)], v.x, v.y, 0, playerScaling, playerScaling, 0, 0)
elseif v.dir == "left" then
love.graphics.draw(v.animationTable[math.floor(v.current_frame)], v.x, v.y, 0, -playerScaling, playerScaling, plrWidth / playerScaling, 0)
Code: Select all
player_run = {}
player_run[1] = love.graphics.newImage("resources/textures/player/run/1.png")
player_run[2] = love.graphics.newImage("resources/textures/player/run/2.png")
player_run[3] = love.graphics.newImage("resources/textures/player/run/3.png")
player_run[4] = love.graphics.newImage("resources/textures/player/run/4.png")
player_run[5] = love.graphics.newImage("resources/textures/player/run/5.png")
player_run[6] = love.graphics.newImage("resources/textures/player/run/6.png")
player_run[7] = love.graphics.newImage("resources/textures/player/run/7.png")
player_run[8] = love.graphics.newImage("resources/textures/player/run/8.png")