In my game, I want to have one main löve window, for the game itself, and another window dedicated to controls.
That way, controls do not pollute the window game.
Following the discussion about multiple windows here,
it seems not possible that one löve process is able to open more than one window however, it seems possible to make two
löve processes communicate.
Roughly, my plan is that the main löve process spawns another löve process with for example
Code: Select all
os.system("love control args ...")
The main löve process starts a server listening on a given port and passes this port to the löve control process through
the previous args. Then, once the löve control process is up, I can use e.g. löve-nuklear or Slab libraries to display some controls
which send messages to the listening main löve process which decides what to do with it.
Did anyone ever tried to do something like this ? If yes, which network library is best fitted ?