Executing Programs Within Love2D Project

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Executing Programs Within Love2D Project

Post by cjlucas85 »

Is anyone aware of a means of executing a love2d project that is stored within *.love?

The directory structure will look like this:
  • main.lua
Or it will look like this:
  • main.lua
The reason I want to execute game1 or game2 is because I want to make a game kiosk. The idea is that the Kiosk will execute the game selected from a menu, and the game selected will execute over the game in another window; in Windows and Linux this effect will pop the game over the Kiosk. I can get this to work with os.execute() and running the Kiosk by executing "love Kiosk/"; however, because os.execute() is relative to the current working directory I have to put in os.execute("Kiosk/" .. gameSelected) in order to run the sub game, and this forces the project to be in a folder and not a love extension executable, which I want to be able to do in order to easily distribute it.
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Re: Executing Programs Within Love2D Project

Post by Robin »

The solution here is not to write the Kiosk in LÖVE, sorry.
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Re: Executing Programs Within Love2D Project

Post by cjlucas85 »

Alright, thanks for the reply. It helps knowing that it's not possible because there were a few other approaches I had in mind.
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