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Curius experimental project: block chains

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 12:42 pm
by togFox
I thought it might be interesting to write a LOVE2D program that uses block chains in a peer-2-peer network for fun and learning. The three devices, probably laptops in my house, would use a simple no-fuss GUI to buy and sell fantasy cubits. I would imagine it would be scalable by default so that might be fun to experiment with.

Has anyone even thought about such a thing with LOVE2D (or LUA)? There are a lot of commercial reasons to learn block chains (not cryptocurrency) so I had the idle thought to research and check it out.

Re: Curius experimental project: block chains

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 8:19 pm
by Xugro
All you need is a network (e.g. lua-enet) and some hash-function (e.g. Choose the difficulty for mining low enough and you should not have any problems. You can even start multiple peers on a single machine if you use different ports.

For a proof-of-concept just use löve/lua. If you want to use it in the real world then it would probably be wiser to use a faster platform (e.g. C++).

3Blue1Brown has a video on YouTube that shows how Bitcoin (and block-chains) work. You can base your work on this: