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How do I input the "Control" key in Love? as in love.keyboard.isDown("ctrl")

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:44 am
by ocmike
How do I input the "Control" key in Love (e.g. love.keyboard.isDown("ctrl")?

I've tested with "ctrl" but it is not that, and I've Google and searched in these forums, but can not find it.

I'm trying to use it as such in the code below:

if love.keyboard.isDown("f") and love.keyboard.isDown("ctrl") then
player.x = player.x + 1

Thank you.

Re: How do I input the "Control" key in Love? as in love.keyboard.isDown("ctrl")

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:02 pm
by borr

at bottom:
rctrl Right control key
lctrl Left control key