Inside the 'game' there are various text sizes and maybe multiple fonts.
At this point i'm happy with ttf.
But now I had to add a black solid border around it and 1px is looking oke, but for example a 5 px border is not correct (beautiful).
Before i'm spent several hours in this, I want to know if this is possible.
For example this testing code is used
Code: Select all
--- draw each font
for i = 1, self.fontBorderSize do
self:drawText(self.x, self.y)
self:drawText(self.x + i, self.y)
self:drawText(self.x - i, self.y)
-- self:drawText(self.x, self.y + i)
-- self:drawText(self.x, self.y - i)
self:drawText(self.x + i, self.y + i)
self:drawText(self.x + i, self.y - i)
self:drawText(self.x - i, self.y - i)
self:drawText(self.x - i, self.y + i)
self:drawText(self.x, self.y)
I din't like the things I found, and it was not possible to re-use the same font in another fontsize (don't know what size I want to use yet).
Another thing was, that I don't know if it can show the same characters like the ttf font, I think they call it UTF-8.
And there was was another thing that I don't remember anymore. But than I can have beautiful borders around text I guess ?