Function not running?

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Function not running?

Post by Neon »

So, I'm making a small little lib to make it easier to make graphics. I'm giving each button a function to run, if they are clicked.

Code: Select all

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
	for k, obj in pairs(Objects) do
		if obj.objtype == "Button" and x > obj.xpos and x < obj.xpos + obj.width and y > obj.ypos and y < obj.ypos + obj.height and button == 1 then
It registers when the object is clicked fine, but it won't run the function stored in the click variable.

The function is added like so.

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function Lib.addFunc(objname, functype, func)
	Objects[objname][functype] = func
Example of calling it.

Code: Select all

Lib.addFunc("MyButton", "click", function()
Lib.edit("MyLabel", "words", "BUTTON WORKED")
The above function adds a function that changes the text of the "MyLabel" object when "MyButton" is clicked (because when it's click, it should run it's clicked function).

So, when the button is clicked, it should run it's click function stored in the click variable, but it doesn't change the text when clicked, and doesn't run the function. If anyone understood, can they help?

By the way, if anyone needs so the the createButton function, here.

Code: Select all

Lib = {}
Objects = {}

function Lib.createButton(objname, x, y, h, w, stat, r, g, b)
	Objects[objname] = {objtype = "Button", xpos = x, ypos = y, height = h, width = w, status = stat, red = r, green = g, blue = b, click = nil} --click is set to nil because it's added later with the Lib.addFunc function.
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Re: Function not running?

Post by kikito »

There are several problems.

The first one is that the "button" paramter in love.mousepressed is never a "1". It's always one of the MouseConstants: "l", "m", "r", "wd", "wu", "x1" or "x2".

The second problem that you will have is that the click variable is nil, so this code will fail:

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Instead, try this:

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There is also a bit of an issue with code cleanup. I'd move the "is this point inside the object" function to your objects. This way, the mousepressed function can look like this:

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function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
  if button ~= "l" then return end
  for _,obj in pairs(Objects) do
    if obj:contains(x,y) then
And then implement "contains" on all the buttons, etc that you have (probably using metatables and __index, so you don't have to store the same function again and again in all objects).
When I write def I mean function.
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Re: Function not running?

Post by Neon »

Thanks! It worked.
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Joined: Thu May 03, 2012 2:36 am

Re: Function not running?

Post by sweetyang2012 »

I ever face the same problem and i can't slove it .At last,i change a my computer ,all is ok then.
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