Borkmen: An incompleted simplex noise, state machine project
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:26 pm
This is a messy project (tested on Love for Android only) that I gave up on for...reasons(taking up to much of my time,
idea complexity, etc). Though I put alot of time into this and the infinite(?) simplex noise map.
It was meant to be an open world game where you control a tribe and group them in camps getting food
,exploring, fighting of enemies,etc.Anyone who wants an example of perlin noise and state machine(?) in
love2d can check this project out, as buggy as it may be. You could also optimize it more, hack it and
add more festures, port it to desktops, etc then post it here for me-I mean us to see , you could look at it and play it once
then ignore it cause you're busy, or you could keep it and do what you want with it. Whatever's whatever
to you to me ( not a typo ).
The battle is confusing (it's de-buggy, get it? Get it? Buggy for the purpose of debugging? Never mind...).
When battling you control one character on your side(left side if in dungeon).
An attack causes someone to shake and they turn upside down when they "die".
Sometimes the only way to continue is to close the app forcefully.
Tap on a block to move to it. Runs slow for me(at an fps of 8) and pathfinding is annoying to anyone)
Go on a "cave"(black tile) to enter dungeon(that you can't leave, buggy, but you can't blame me, it was still
in development and I'm only 16 at time of writing. I didn't even think of a proper name and named it borkmen temporarily, though I was
thinking of "Dragon Lake", but it didn't really make sense for the game so...borkmen)
There are a bunch of hidden stuff I put into the project for debugging purposes but never took
out. Here are some:
.press up and y at the same time to zoom in the noise map
.press down and y at the same time to zoom out the noise map
.tap b to measure land size(?) of position you're on
...maybe more?
Debug Panel:
The debug panel is the textinput at the top. Type code in it (and press "Submit") to put in the code,
.type "doDebug = true" to see debug for biomes(note: not all biomes appear):
Des = desert(yellow)
Gra = grassland(green)
ice = ice(light blue)
Sa = savanna(orange)
For = seasonal forest(dark green)
Taig = taiga(brownish orange)
F.tro = tropical rainforest(greenish blue)
Tun = tundra(blue)
Wo = Woodland(brown)
.type "doDebug = 1" (or any number) to see debug for alias of area(never got far enough to
actually implement it in gameplay, *sniff*)
Eq = Equinoxed(light blue/cyan)
Ju = just(light green)
Vi = Vile(dark green)
Ve = Venomous(purple)
Ch = chaotic(red)
Ni = nightmare(dark red)
.type a bunch of other commands from the map(self is map in the panel)
e.g. self:teleportPlayer(x,y) (note: the further you go, the more map starts to split,
might just be from me but I don't know)
.type "track = 4" to cause an error and see performance file in borkmen.txt at Android/data...
There are a bunch of other stuff you can do, it's in there somewhere...
To start press Start>new>create. To start immediately uncomment line 36(atleast it was 36 when you saw this,
but I don't know what you've done/will do to the file) in game.lua and comment line 37.
You could use the SimplexNoiseViewer too, but it has problems...
Note: I don't claim b.mp3 as mine!!! It's Ayo's (and Teo's)!!! I just copied and pasted a random song to
test audio(note: the audio gets *super* annoying after hearing it over and over again in test runs).
idea complexity, etc). Though I put alot of time into this and the infinite(?) simplex noise map.
It was meant to be an open world game where you control a tribe and group them in camps getting food
,exploring, fighting of enemies,etc.Anyone who wants an example of perlin noise and state machine(?) in
love2d can check this project out, as buggy as it may be. You could also optimize it more, hack it and
add more festures, port it to desktops, etc then post it here for me-I mean us to see , you could look at it and play it once
then ignore it cause you're busy, or you could keep it and do what you want with it. Whatever's whatever
to you to me ( not a typo ).
The battle is confusing (it's de-buggy, get it? Get it? Buggy for the purpose of debugging? Never mind...).
When battling you control one character on your side(left side if in dungeon).
An attack causes someone to shake and they turn upside down when they "die".
Sometimes the only way to continue is to close the app forcefully.
Tap on a block to move to it. Runs slow for me(at an fps of 8) and pathfinding is annoying to anyone)
Go on a "cave"(black tile) to enter dungeon(that you can't leave, buggy, but you can't blame me, it was still
in development and I'm only 16 at time of writing. I didn't even think of a proper name and named it borkmen temporarily, though I was
thinking of "Dragon Lake", but it didn't really make sense for the game so...borkmen)
There are a bunch of hidden stuff I put into the project for debugging purposes but never took
out. Here are some:
.press up and y at the same time to zoom in the noise map
.press down and y at the same time to zoom out the noise map
.tap b to measure land size(?) of position you're on
...maybe more?
Debug Panel:
The debug panel is the textinput at the top. Type code in it (and press "Submit") to put in the code,
.type "doDebug = true" to see debug for biomes(note: not all biomes appear):
Des = desert(yellow)
Gra = grassland(green)
ice = ice(light blue)
Sa = savanna(orange)
For = seasonal forest(dark green)
Taig = taiga(brownish orange)
F.tro = tropical rainforest(greenish blue)
Tun = tundra(blue)
Wo = Woodland(brown)
.type "doDebug = 1" (or any number) to see debug for alias of area(never got far enough to
actually implement it in gameplay, *sniff*)
Eq = Equinoxed(light blue/cyan)
Ju = just(light green)
Vi = Vile(dark green)
Ve = Venomous(purple)
Ch = chaotic(red)
Ni = nightmare(dark red)
.type a bunch of other commands from the map(self is map in the panel)
e.g. self:teleportPlayer(x,y) (note: the further you go, the more map starts to split,
might just be from me but I don't know)
.type "track = 4" to cause an error and see performance file in borkmen.txt at Android/data...
There are a bunch of other stuff you can do, it's in there somewhere...
To start press Start>new>create. To start immediately uncomment line 36(atleast it was 36 when you saw this,
but I don't know what you've done/will do to the file) in game.lua and comment line 37.
You could use the SimplexNoiseViewer too, but it has problems...
Note: I don't claim b.mp3 as mine!!! It's Ayo's (and Teo's)!!! I just copied and pasted a random song to
test audio(note: the audio gets *super* annoying after hearing it over and over again in test runs).