Why is this file path invalid?
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:53 pm
Hi all, first time poster here.
I have the following file system:
in line 14 of images.lua I have the line
where the path ("tilemaps/worlds/../export/../export/../textures/tileset_0.png") is previously concatenated by the program itself.
im getting the error:
meanwhile writing the path as "tilemaps/textures/pokemon_emerald_tileset_0.png" load the image just fine.
I don't get it. What am I missing?
I have the following file system:
Code: Select all
|_ engine
| |_ images.lua
|_ tilemaps
| |_ export
| |_ textures
| | |_ tileset_0.png
| |
| |_ worlds
|_ main.lua
Code: Select all
local img = lovae.graphics.newImage("tilemaps/worlds/../export/../export/../textures/tileset_0.png")
im getting the error:
Code: Select all
Error: engine/images.lua:14: Could not open file tilemaps/worlds/../export/../export/../textures/tileset_0.png. Does not exist.
I don't get it. What am I missing?