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Ludum Dare 47

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:02 pm
by Jeeper

Ludum Dare is an Accelerated Game Development Event (also called a “Game Jam”). During a Ludum Dare, developers from around the world spend a weekend creating games based on the theme that was voted for by the community. Ludum Dare is one of the largest and longest running Game Jam and gets thousands of games submitted. Last Jam had 13544 unique developers sign up who created a total of 4959 games. After the event participants spend 3 weeks playing and rating the other entries, giving them 1-5 stars in a set of different categories such as “Fun” and “Graphics”. After the 3 weeks of voting the developers will receive their rank and average score in each of the categories.

Start: Saturday, October the 2nd (or 1st, depending on your timezone), 2020, 00:00 AM GMT + 02:00 (Central european time)

Read them here!

After the gamejam has ended I will compile a list of all of the entries made with Löve. I will also record a video of me playing the games, this might take a bit of time though. Feel free to post your (or someone elses Löve made) entry in this thread to help me feel löved.

