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Tiny World [LD23]

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:36 pm
by graytest
I saw that a lot of others used Löve to create their LD-entries and posted them here so I thought I should do the same. This was my first project made with Löve and I'm very happy with choosing it for the LD. I will for sure keep using Löve for my games (very excited about the web and android projects as well).

You can download my entry here:


WASD = control balloon
LMB/RMB = primary/secondary fire
F = switch between balloon and tower

Goal is to protect the tiny town on top of the cart using the weapons available. There isn't a proper ending to the game. You just play till you die or get bored. :)

All comments and feedback are welcome!

Re: Tiny World [LD23]

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:49 pm
by Kasperelo