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having trouble running slab!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:54 pm
by bad-radish
hello everyone! im writing a data entry tool to help people design/balance/print card/board game components. lua and slab seemed like the best way to get the features i needed without overly complicating everything (its a relatively simple project after all!).

first of all im pretty much new to both love2d and lua. so i dont exactly know how any of this works.

im trying to run slab's most basic example code, which can be found here:

jack says slab "utilizes the Love 2D API". from my understanding, love is an engine more than an api. so do i need to run love to get this to work, or is there a way to run slab in a lua program otherwise?

i also tried running the main.lua file that comes with slab's files (do i need these files to run slab? i tried installing slab with luarocks but i dont think it worked out - cant remember. you can tell i have no idea what im doing lol.) anyway so this main.lua file with slab throws an error because of what appears to be a bug when you are configuring to UseLuaFS. "Contents, Error ='string', Path)" complains - from what im reading its because Path is a string, not a number? which sounds very very wrong lol. again, not a lot of experience with lua lol. i tried installing luaFS i /think/. thought it went well, maybe not! i have no idea lol.

the point of choosing slab was to keep things simple - RIP that plan lmao.

anyway, if anyone could help me get some example code with slab running, i would be immensely grateful!

Re: having trouble running slab!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:25 am
by pgimeno
Löve is a framework; it provides an API. Slab is designed to be used by programs that are made for Löve. supports a second optional string argument starting in version 11.0. Maybe you're using an older version?