I recently played around with converting MagicaVoxel .vox (0.98, format v150) files into PNGs that can be loaded in LOVE and stacked on top of each other to create a '3d-looking' effect. If there are multiple frames in the vox file, it will create a PNG for each one.
This isn't LOVE-specific and can be used in other places (like GMS), but I don't have experience with that - there are videos that explain this on YT.
The source (Go) is here, and prebuilt binaries for *nix and Windows can be downloaded on the release page.
You'll need to run these in a terminal (cmd.exe on Windows).
Code: Select all
-p: path to either a single .vox file or directory of .vox files. If multiple .vox are found, it will generate a png for each one and each animation within it (multiple models, basically).
-o: path to where the .png files will be written
Code: Select all
vox2love_x64.exe -o assets\ -p ..\models
- There's a vox2png program written in C here. I didn't notice this until I was watching some videos on YT, but hopefully not having to build or cross-compile this yourself is easier.
- No flag currently for drawing vertically instead of horizontally but it could be implemented easily
- Doesn't preserve the name of the original vox file, so it might be annoying to convert a lot of models at once and have to rename or organize them, I'll likely update this in the future