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[SOLVED] Error indexing 'tablename' a nil value after it's declared

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:27 am
by 4KbShort
I know everyone is going to want to see code, but I don't have any so use your imagination brushes for a minute:

Trying to animate some sprites and I have this:

Code: Select all

function animateSprites(sprite,x,y,frameSpeed) --Starting on a random frame won't work
	dt = lt.getDelta()
	currentFrame = currentFrame+ frameSpeed*dt
	if currentFrame > #sprite then
		currentFrame = 1
Which works. One on sprite and only if there is only one sprite on the screen. I know why, of course because each sprite is "standing in line" to use this function and so it's jamming/failing. So what I need is to declare an OOP object and set its self.blahblah so each sprite instance is animating itself.

The problem there is I don't know how. I've done it in the past using copied code, but there are two things:
1: I want to LEARN how to do it
2: I want the code to be in the main file NOT a resource script or library

Now to the error:
From what I can find people state declare a variable table and write some code:

Code: Select all

 t = {}

function t:func(x, y)
  self.x = x
  self.y = y

t:func(1, 1)
print(t.x) -- 1
(Code example stolen from this post:

Which I guess would work or some variation of it would work, but when I use these examples I always get the error:
attempt to index global "tablename" (a nil value)

Well, yes... the table is NIL, but it's declared and this happens even if I don't call the function. Just goes off.

I know the post is rambley and I've not really asked a specific question, but please try to post constructive and helpful feedback? I'm kinda stuck and don't want to copy-pasta.

EDIT: Turns out using OOP in my project was counter to how I had my project layed out in the first place. Although I did figure out my crashing issue there is no way OOP in this manner is going to work for my current build. Leaving here for posterity(?) but marking as solved as I no longer need help with it.

Re: Error indexing 'tablename' a nil value after it's declared

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:24 am
by 4KbShort
I figured out one problem: Never declare the table variable under love.load()

With that out of the way I now have some code that doesn't instantly crash. Downside is it also doesn't render anything to screen:

Code: Select all

function objects:new(sprite,x,y,frameSpeed,frame)
	local o = {sprite = sprite, x = x, y = y, fameSpeed = frameSpeed, frame = frame}
	setmetatable(o,{__index = objects})
	return o

function objects:update(dt)
	self.currentFrame = self.currentFrame+ self.frameSpeed*dt
	if self.currentFrame > #self.sprite then
		self.currentFrame = 1

function objects:draw()
When I put everything under it shows up on screen. Of course this doesn't work because it's show the initial state and not updating. However, when I split to the following it doesn't show or do anything. Am I missing a step? Do I need to push these to love.update/love.draw?

Re: [SOLVED] Error indexing 'tablename' a nil value after it's declared

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:45 am
by pgimeno