Hi Jason, I forgot to mention that I use a
class library. I was hoping to be able to implement dragging within the class itself, but no luck. I put that on the back-burner for now while I just power through with implementing other features.
Game Phases
Draw Phase, Set Phase, etc. It results in a lot of if/then statements because certain actions can only be done during a certain phase.
Card Effects
Since my last message, for card effects I decided to ask my friend (he comes up with all the card info) to compile a master list of effect 'keywords' that exist in the game with a list of 'arguments' that the keywords affect. I wonder if this was what you meant by "rules" and "conditions".
For example, the keyword for a card whose effect is to "increase the strength of type X cards by amount Y" would be
increase. In the cards database (text file), my friend would put under 'keyword': 'increase' and under 'arguments': 'X,strength,Y'. I will write the functionality for increase.
Whenever the card's effect is activated in-game, call the function
run(keyword, arguments), which takes card.keyword and card.arguments and does an if/then matching for all the function-keywords to execute them manually.
Code: Select all
function run(keyword, arguments)
if keyword == 'increase' then
increase(arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3])
elseif keyword == ... then
For more complicated effects, the keyword is likely going to be something whose one argument is another keyword which would be called with
run. For example, if a card only activates
increase during a certain phase, instead of
increase its keyword would be something like
checkphase, which takes 'arguments' = 'phase,keyword,{arguments}...'.
Code: Select all
function run(keyword,arguments)
if keyword == 'checkphase' then
checkphase(arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5])
elseif keyword == 'increase' then
function checkphase(phase, keyword, argument1, argument2, ...)
if gamePhase == phase then
run(keyword, argument1, argument2, ...)
It's going to be time-consuming since I'd need to know all possible card effects and manually list the arguments, but it's the solution I have so far.
Player 2
I completely agree. I figured programming an AI would be whole endeavor in itself and it doesn't seem better than player vs. player to test my game's code so why bother. I am so far from finishing the basic game though, so I probably won't be looking into the Discord API for a long while haha.
Best of luck!