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Luaoop - OOP library

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:41 pm
by Imagic

I'm currently developing games with LÖVE, which implies developing tools when I don't find a suitable one and I like to make them generic (not bound to a specific thing). This post is one among others in the future to share those Lua librairies which may interest LÖVE developers.

Luaoop is an Object Oriented Programming (class-based) library. There are many of those, but I didn't find something as clean as I wanted and it was interesting to make.

Project and documentation:

If you are interested by how it looks in a project using the library, here is an example unrelated to LÖVE.

Re: Luaoop - OOP library

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:50 pm
by Imagic
Released 2.0.

Complete rework based on the xtype library, now a dependency.
It solves previous limitations, correctly handles inheritance and simplifies everything.