love.keypressed not working as expected.
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:20 pm
Hello, I am coming here for help with a project.
I am porting my Ludum Dare 45 game, Buzzsaw Cat to love2d. I wrote it in PICO-8.
One reason for the port is to use it with LovePotion on my 3DS.
LovePotion uses love.gamepadpressed and love.gamepadreleased to check for input, so for the computer version, I am using keypressed and keyreleased.
I am trying to convert the inputs to PICO-8's BTN() format. The game opens with a title screen that waits for the user to press button 5. Button 5 is mapped to the space bar under my current system. The game does not detect that the space bar is being pressed, and therefore does not activate Button 5 in the PICO-8 code. The console window is monitoring the state of button 5, and as you can see, it is returning a stream of false's.
I do not know if this is helpful, but I noticed that keyreleased is working. If you start all buttons as pressed, upon releasing space, it unpresses the button.
Any sort of help would be appreciated.
I am porting my Ludum Dare 45 game, Buzzsaw Cat to love2d. I wrote it in PICO-8.
One reason for the port is to use it with LovePotion on my 3DS.
LovePotion uses love.gamepadpressed and love.gamepadreleased to check for input, so for the computer version, I am using keypressed and keyreleased.
I am trying to convert the inputs to PICO-8's BTN() format. The game opens with a title screen that waits for the user to press button 5. Button 5 is mapped to the space bar under my current system. The game does not detect that the space bar is being pressed, and therefore does not activate Button 5 in the PICO-8 code. The console window is monitoring the state of button 5, and as you can see, it is returning a stream of false's.
I do not know if this is helpful, but I noticed that keyreleased is working. If you start all buttons as pressed, upon releasing space, it unpresses the button.
Any sort of help would be appreciated.