Building APK
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:38 pm
I am trying to build a APK, using the "" repo. I've copied the file into the asset folder. When running "gradlew assemble" the build fails, because
" Missing LOVE. Make sure to initialize the submodule correctly!"
The error message is coming from the file
Apparently has_love is false. What is missing here?
Love is installed, so I fail to see what is missing here
I am trying to build a APK, using the "" repo. I've copied the file into the asset folder. When running "gradlew assemble" the build fails, because
" Missing LOVE. Make sure to initialize the submodule correctly!"
The error message is coming from the file
Code: Select all
LOVE_JNI_DIR := $(call my-dir)
IS_NDK_R17 := $(shell python ${LOVE_JNI_DIR}/ $(NDK_ROOT)/ 17)
IS_ANDROID_21 := $(shell python ${LOVE_JNI_DIR}/ $(TARGET_PLATFORM) 21)
HAS_LOVE := $(shell python ${LOVE_JNI_DIR}/ ${LOVE_JNI_DIR})
ifneq (${HAS_LOVE},yes)
$(error Missing LOVE. Make sure to initialize the submodule correctly!)
include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)
Love is installed, so I fail to see what is missing here