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Recommendation for Tutorials starting point[solutions provided]i

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:18 pm
by klewis
Hello all!
I am 2 weeks in with love2d. I've taken several classes so far. It's becoming more clear to me that in order for me to really get a grip on love2d, I simply need to put in the time for more hands-on training. With that said, I currently have love 11.3 installed and I ran across your [Categories:Tutorial page]( Do you know if these listed tutorials are appropriate as a starting point for version 11.3?

Many thanks!

Re: Recommendation for Tutorials starting point

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:28 am
by zorg
I wouldn't bet on that, mainly because unfortunately they might be for different versions, with things no longer applicable to the current one; they would need to be updated and -kept- updated by volunteers, which apparently isn't happening yet.

I'd start with a lua (5.1) tutorial first, then with a Löve one; for the former, Programming in Lua is the reference you can use, for the latter, Sheepolution's tutorials should be good. There's also the wiki where you can find references to all methods and whatnot as well.