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forums vs subreddit
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 5:14 pm
by churros
I'm still getting around here in the forums and I wonder what's its difference from the
Are they moderated by the same folks? Is there any specific kind of thread that's preferable here or there?
Re: forums vs subreddit
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:17 pm
by zorg
Apparently, from the moderator list on the subreddit, seems like the devs are there too, so i'd guess that's official as well.
I personally never use reddit, and prefer the löve discord server and the forums; the former for more realtime interactions, the latter for permanence and for others to actually find projects or help that gets asked a million times by that many separate users.
There's also an IRC channel, although the bridge between that and discord broke a while ago, to my knowledge that hasn't been fixed.
If anything, the takeaway should be that people are fragmented across these 4 options, but your safest bet would probably still be the forums if you want to share things... just post it in the correct subforums please.