loveframes column list selecting
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:34 am
Does anyone know how to use loveframes column list selecting? I can't figure out how to get the column user clicks.
In below code I'm printing the row variables but no row index there
i tried already looking in the loveframes doc but there's no info about index
Also is it possible to change the color of the text on specific field in the list?
Does anyone know how to use loveframes column list selecting? I can't figure out how to get the column user clicks.
In below code I'm printing the row variables but no row index there
Code: Select all
list.OnRowSelected = function(parent, row, data)
for k, v in ipairs(data) do
print("Column " ..k.. ": " ..v)
for k, v in pairs(row) do
if type(v) == "number" then
print("row " ..k.. ": " ..v)
Also is it possible to change the color of the text on specific field in the list?