It's any time a go..
after I have (due to carelessness in the zerobrane) overwrited an already functioning version of the "knigt's tour" (with some test) I was so frustrated that I switched to corona sdk. well, the other (maybe the first) reason was "delay". I managed not (even with HUMP not) to slow down the jump animation.
I succeeded in corona (and knigt's tour) quickly so I stayed with corona. in my next project (maze generator & solver) I walked (at the way back from end to start) in a problem and sought help. I found that by pedro gimeno: technically competent and human a gigant. for me a not everyday experience.
Thanks a lot Pedro.
Code: Select all
-- main.lua v.5f (after: pgimeno)
concept of:
Python maze generator program (using PyGame for animation)
Davis MT
Python 3.4
video with explanations of the original py program:
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
this can be combined with the program "queens" mentioned above (by pgimeno).
(I have to search first how I can attach the zip ..)
-- globals:
w = 17 -- field side (17 is ok for: iPhone5 640 x 1136
-- others are questionable in corona sdk).
x, y = w, w -- grid startposition
-- tables:
mgrid = {}
--visited = {} -- in carve
--stack = {} -- in carve
solution = {} -- as dictionary
-- ***************** helper functions: *****************
-- if 2D-table contains Value -- important
local function contains( table, x, y )
for i=1,#table do
if table[i][1] == x and table[i][2] == y then
return true
return false
-- randomizer kick on for maze construction & way back
-- ****************** -- pgm functions: *********************
-- build the maze matrix
local function build_grid( x, y, w )"rough")
for i = 1, w do -- col
x=w -- set koord. to start pos.
y=y+w -- start a new row
for j = 1, w do -- row, 255, 255)"line", x+0.5, y+0.5, w, w)
table.insert( mgrid, {x, y} ) --append cell to grid: OK
x = x+w -- move to new position
end --func
-- ******************** pgm grafics: *********************
local function newRect(x, y, w, h)"fill", x, y, w, h)
function push_up(x, y) --draw a rectangle twice the width of the cell 0, 0, 255 ) -- blau / blue
newRect( x+1, y-w+1, w-1, 2*w-1 )
function push_down(x, y) 0, 0, 255 ) --blau
newRect( x+1, y+1, w-1, 2*w-1 )
function push_left(x, y) 0, 0, 255 ) --blau
newRect( x-w+1, y+1, 2*w-1, w-1 )
function push_right(x, y) 0, 0, 255 ) --blau
newRect( x+1, y+1, 2*w-1, w-1 )
function single_cell(x, y) -- draw a single width cell 0, 255, 0 ) --gruen / green"fill", x+2, y+2, w-3, w-3 )
function backtracking_cell(x, y) --used to re-colour the path after 0, 0, 255 ) --blau single_cell has visited cell
newRect( x+2, y+2, w-3, w-3 )
function solution_cell(x, y) -- used to show the solution, 255, 0) -- gelb / yellow
newRect( x+w/2-1, y+w/2-1, 3, 3 )
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- ************** main function: **************
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
function carve_out_maze(x, y, w)
visited = {}
stack = {}
single_cell(x, y) -- starting positing of maze
-- append stack & visited (at end of table)
table.insert(stack, {x, y}) -- place starting cell into stack
table.insert(visited, {x, y}) -- add starting cell to visited list
while #stack > 0 do -- loop until stack is empty (done)
cell = {} -- create new empty table
-- check availability - Right,Left,Down,Up
-- right cell available? (NOT in visited BUT in grid)
if not contains(visited, x+w, y) and contains(mgrid, x+w, y) then
table.insert( cell, "right" ) --if yes add to cell list
if not contains(visited, x-w, y) and contains(mgrid, x-w, y) then
table.insert( cell, "left" )
if not contains(visited, x, y+w) and contains(mgrid, x, y+w) then
table.insert( cell, "down" )
if not contains(visited, x, y-w) and contains(mgrid, x, y-w) then
table.insert( cell, "up" )
if #cell >0 then --check if cell list is empty
math.random(); math.random() -- really necessary?
cell_chosen = cell[math.random(1, #cell)] -- chose random cell-item
-- cell_chosen:
if cell_chosen == "right" then -- if cell is has been chosen
push_right(x, y) -- cell push_right function
solution[x+w..","..y] = {x,y}
x = x+w -- make this cell the current cell
table.insert(visited, {x, y} )
table.insert(stack, {x, y} )
elseif cell_chosen == "left" then
push_left(x, y)
solution[x-w..","..y] = {x,y}
x = x-w
table.insert(visited, {x, y} ) -- add to visited list
table.insert(stack, {x, y} ) -- place current on to stack
elseif cell_chosen == "down" then
push_down(x, y)
solution[x..","..y+w] = {x,y}
y = y+w
table.insert(visited, {x, y} )
table.insert(stack, {x, y} )
elseif cell_chosen == "up" then
push_up(x, y)
solution[x..","..y-w] = {x,y}
y = y-w
table.insert(visited, {x, y} )
table.insert(stack, {x, y} )
end --end-if
sleep(0.1) -- pause
-- if no cells are available pop one from the stack
x, y = stack[#stack][1], stack[#stack][2]
table.remove(stack) -- stack pop (the last)
-- use single_cell func. to show backtracking image
single_cell(x, y)
sleep(0.1) -- pause
-- change colour to identify the backtracking path
backtracking_cell(x, y)
end --if #cell
end --while
end --carve_out_maze
-- visualize the way back to the start point
function plot_route_back(x, y)
-- start b. retour: x: 289 y: 289 (ziel: 17 / 17
solution_cell( x, y ) --[[ solution list contains all the
coordinates to route back to start.]]
while x ~= w or y ~= w do -- loop until cell pos == start pos. better but??
-- "keys" now becomes the new values
local xy = x..","..y -- important!
x = solution[xy][1] -- because otherwise error:
y = solution[xy][2] -- <--<<< nil value
solution_cell(x, y) -- animate route back (grafics)
table.remove(solution) -- pop the last value
sleep(0.1) -- pause
end --while
end --func plot_route_back
-- *********************** main: ************************
-- 1st argument = x value, 2nd arg. = y value, 3rd arg. = width of cell
build_grid(2*w, 0, w) -- build labyrinth
carve_out_maze(x, y, w) -- call build the maze function
plot_route_back(w*w, w*w) -- call the plot solution function
-- *********************** the end ************************