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Playing around with löve physics

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:42 am
by Zeliarden
Hej! all lövers!!!!

Here is my project.
I just added shit to test and learn how it works to whatever key that was free :)
Its sort of a sidescroller. Probably going to make a game of some sort it.

space - reset player
b - ball
x - stops movement
t - ground
j - create a poly
q - update poly node
z - next poly node
r - add mass to all
f - add mass to last col
o - set joint node 1
p - set joint node 2
l - create joint
g - save
h - load
u - joint player with object when released
m - menu
right mouse - block

*fixed joint nodes

Re: Playing around with löve physics

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:39 am
by kraftman
Looks good :) Any idea what kind of game you want to make out of it?

Just a note: You don't need to add .lua when requiring modules/files, while it still works with 0.7 it will make it incompatible with 0.8.

Also if you were moving over to 0.8, a lot of the physics stuff has changed because of the new box2d version, just a heads up.

Re: Playing around with löve physics

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:31 pm
by Zeliarden
I have no idee what game its going to be..
0.8.0 hmm.. good to know :)

Re: Playing around with löve physics

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:03 am
by kesac
Well done! Would love to see the game that comes out of this.