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Zombehs ~The Rise~ - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:22 pm
by MiniDemonic
I'm currently developing a Zombie Shooter RPG game.
The game will cycle between day and night, during the day your mission is to collect food and ammo and during the night you need to survive the zombie horde.
The cycle is on a 10minute timer, which means that you need to survive for 10 minutes and you need to collect materials for 10 minutes (there will be zombies during the day aswell, but not as much)

The game will also have RPG elements, which means that you will be able to level up to increases stats.

Currently you can only run around and kill a never ending horde of zombies, when you die you will get sent back to the main menu.
You can level up, doing so will increase your health and heal you.
When you have 0 stamina you won't be able to sprint.
You also have infinite ammo and can only use a rifle right now.

Currently added:
*Level up system
*Day/Night cycle
*gamepad controls

This is a very early release and will have plenty of bugs, also the code is not clean because I'm lazy.

Controls(the game starts in keyboard mode, press f5 to change):
W,A,S,D = move
Mouse = aim and shoot
Lshift = sprint(which also pushes back zombies and you lose less health)
F5 = change controls

axes0&1 = move
axes3&4 = aim
btn5 = fire
btn7 = start
btn4 = sprint
btn6 = change controls

Z = Spawn zombie roughly at mouse position (haven't bothered to change it to the camera position)
X = Instant level up

Known issues:
  • *Zombies sometimes hack through the buildings (fixed?)
    *Gamepad controls doesn't feel 100% natural (maybe that's just me)
    *Gamepad controls does not have the correct axes for everyone (will get fixed later)
    *Zombies move faster after being pushed? (need confirmation from more)

Report bugs if you find any that isn't listed here, please.

Also, anyone got a collection of all license texts needed for love2d?
I have setup a license text file on my own, but I don't think I got them all and I think I also have some unnecessary text inside it.
Currently my license text is around 890 lines, it seems a bit much.

Re: Zombehs!1 - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:30 pm
by Davidobot
I got an error: (tried both 0.72 and0.8)

main.lua:6: module 'functions.lua' not found:
no file "functions/lua.lua" in LOVE game directories.

no field package.preload['functions.lua']
ect... (I am typing the error by hand is there an easier awy of doing it?)

Re: Zombehs!1 - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:35 pm
by josefnpat
I am unable to get past the menu screen. :(

Re: Zombehs!1 - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:40 pm
by Davidobot
josefnpat wrote:I am unable to get past the menu screen. :(
Press F5 then F1

Re: Zombehs!1 - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:42 pm
by T-Bone
Your mapping of axises is wierd. The controls for moving are on the right trigger (Ubuntu, Xbox 360 gamepad). I know that my setup works fine with other LÖVE games so I think you are doing it wrong.

Re: Zombehs!1 - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:45 pm
by Davidobot
When you sprint into a zombie they come back at you faster than normaly

Re: Zombehs!1 - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:32 pm
by MiniDemonic
T-Bone wrote:Your mapping of axises is wierd. The controls for moving are on the right trigger (Ubuntu, Xbox 360 gamepad). I know that my setup works fine with other LÖVE games so I think you are doing it wrong.
Probably because I'm simulating a xbox360 controller using DS3Tool and a Playstation controller.
You can edit the code to change the axes yourself for now, it's located in the main.lua.
When I get further in the development I'm going to add a keybind options menu.
Davidobot wrote:Bug:
When you sprint into a zombie they come back at you faster than normaly
I can't reproduce this bug, the zombies are not running faster after sprinting in to them for me.
Maybe it just looks like they are? I'm gonna look into it and see if I can find something.

Re: Zombehs!1 - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:42 pm
by Davidobot
You can go outside of the map.

Re: Zombehs!1 - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:14 pm
by MiniDemonic
Davidobot wrote:Bug:
You can go outside of the map.
Not a bug, I just haven't added a border on the map yet, don't know why, but everytime I have thought about doing that it just slips my mind and I just forget about it haha.

Re: Zombehs ~The Rise~ - The Zombie Shooting RPG.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:35 am
by MiniDemonic
Game is updated, the menu sort of works.
Added a level up system, I need feedback on the leveling up speed. Should I make it slower, faster or let it be? (the max level in final game is going to be somewhere around 1000)

I will make the zombies stronger depending on how long you have played and also make them grant more experience when they get stronger.
I'm off to bed now, will update tomorrow with gun sound (hopefully) and stronger zombies!

Oh, should I change the day/night cycle time? Currently it's 10minutes day, 10 minutes night.