I pass a number into a method but a table is returned

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I pass a number into a method but a table is returned

Post by shabbs15 »

Running the code, what's printed is 2 and then table followed by a series of characters. The second print statement is inside the function. I feel like this is a very simple question but I have a lot of code making it complex. I would appreciate any hel
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Re: I pass a number into a method but a table is returned

Post by zorg »

i see two places where you print to console:
- in sceneteleport, which as far as i can tell, is never called,
- in buttonclick, which, based on the defined buttons via createButton calls, either return 1, 2, or nil since there's one where you haven't set the 7th argument.

from your code, i can't tell what might be printing a table.
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Re: I pass a number into a method but a table is returned

Post by shabbs15 »

zorg wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 5:48 pm i see two places where you print to console:
- in sceneteleport, which as far as i can tell, is never called,
- in buttonclick, which, based on the defined buttons via createButton calls, either return 1, 2, or nil since there's one where you haven't set the 7th argument.

from your code, i can't tell what might be printing a table.
The table is being printed in sceneteleport. Before I made the post, I did some tests "concatenating letters before the print" and this confirms that table is being printed from scenetelport.
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Re: I pass a number into a method but a table is returned

Post by zorg »

Then where in the code are you calling that function?
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Re: I pass a number into a method but a table is returned

Post by sphyrth »

There's something funky with the code. I also can't tell where the function sceneTeleport(num) is being called. The problem seems to lie in these things:

Code: Select all

function createButton(x,y,width,height,func,scene,arg)
    button.response = func
    button.arg = arg
    button.scene = scene
From this code, you seem to indicate that you want func to be a function.

But when we look at how you call createButton in bottomBar() for example:

Code: Select all

It looks like it's passing SceneTeleport as if it's a variable, or a function without arguments. (ex. SceneTeleport(1)).

With that, when buttonClick() happens:

Code: Select all

function buttonClick(x,y)
    for i,v in pairs(buttons) do
        if x > v.x and x < v.x+v.width and y > v.y and y < v.y+v.width then
            if v.scene == 0 or scene == v.scene then
That v:response(v.arg) seems to be misplaced.

To sum up, I think there's something wrong with how you pass down arguments as functions.
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