VS Code output console on Linux
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:28 am
TUTO Output on VS Code of linux :
Create file :
if you launch Love2D on .AppImage :
exemple :
Vérify your file is executable...
copy the file on /USR/BIN/
in VS Code, opren your project and,
search "Terminal" and type :
VSCode_love2D (or the name of you have save the file in your /usr/bin)
this command execute your project and you have a output in the "Terminal"
bonus !
this function add a color for output :
change your print by printc =)
Create file :
Code: Select all
love $(pwd)
if you launch Love2D on .AppImage :
exemple :
Code: Select all
$HOME'/Documents/Outil/Love/love2d.AppImage' $(pwd)
Vérify your file is executable...
copy the file on /USR/BIN/
in VS Code, opren your project and,
search "Terminal" and type :
VSCode_love2D (or the name of you have save the file in your /usr/bin)
this command execute your project and you have a output in the "Terminal"
bonus !
this function add a color for output :
Code: Select all
function printc(pText, pType)
local color = {warning = "\x1B[33m",
info = "\x1B[32m",
error = "\x1B[31m",
default = "\x1B[m"
local type = pType or "default"
print("** ("..string.upper(type)..") ** "..pText)