[Solved]Need a little bump help
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:03 pm
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to read my issue.
So i dont really understand bump that well and I seem to be at an impass. I've looked over the bump tutorial over and over. I dont seem to be understanding 2 key aspects.
1. adding, non-player, object to the word
2. moving said object
I think my issue exists in these two statements.
adding non player to the world:
Im not sure if im adding the object correctly in this statement. If I change the world:add to something else the game fails
Moving the bullet: I think im moving correctly, but when I added some collision detection nothing happened.
If someone could help me out, I would really appriciate it. I really like Love2d but im just new and dont see my issue yet.
Thank you for taking the time to read my issue.
So i dont really understand bump that well and I seem to be at an impass. I've looked over the bump tutorial over and over. I dont seem to be understanding 2 key aspects.
1. adding, non-player, object to the word
2. moving said object
I think my issue exists in these two statements.
adding non player to the world:
Im not sure if im adding the object correctly in this statement. If I change the world:add to something else the game fails
Code: Select all
if love.keyboard.isDown('space') and canshoot then
newBullet = {style = 'line',x=player.x+(player.width/2), y = player.y,width = bullets.width,segments = bullets.segments }
world:add(newBullet, newBullet.x,newBullet.y, newBullet.width, newBullet.segments)
canshoot = false
canshootTimer = canshootTimerMax
bulletCount = bulletCount + 1
Code: Select all
for i, bullet in ipairs(bullets) do
bullet.y = bullet.y - (250 * dt)
world:move(newBullet, 0,newBullet.y - (250*dt))
if bullet.y < 0 then
bulletCount = bulletCount - 1
If someone could help me out, I would really appriciate it. I really like Love2d but im just new and dont see my issue yet.