[Solved] Streaming video hosted online?
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:55 pm
Is it possible to play, say, an MP4 or .ogg file hosted online rather than locally?
I had been somewhat optimistic in hoping this could be the solution:
And no, it didn't work! I'm sure many of you giggle as you read that!
I thought I'd try my chances and see if there were any libraries on this forum that could help me achieve this but my searches came up empty.
I'm wondering if there is an answer to this question or if for whatever reason, it cannot be achieved in Love?
I had been somewhat optimistic in hoping this could be the solution:
Code: Select all
function love.load()
video = love.graphics.newVideo("http://www.website.com/videofile.ogg")
function love.draw()
love.graphics.draw(video, 0, 0)
I thought I'd try my chances and see if there were any libraries on this forum that could help me achieve this but my searches came up empty.
I'm wondering if there is an answer to this question or if for whatever reason, it cannot be achieved in Love?