Page 1 of 1 effect and filter support documents

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:04 am
by Alexar
hi guys, i'm looking for documents about these days. and this is what i found :
EAX 4.0 Sound Designer's Guide (2003).pdf
(1.12 MiB) Downloaded 200 times
which helps me a lot understanding about effects and filters for the source. but this is not the latest version. does anyone have the latest version? please tell me, thanks!

Re: effect and filter support documents

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:12 am
by zorg
I use this, from the OpenAL Soft site (no direct links to it, from what i've seen): The OpenAL 1.1 spec. ... 0Guide.pdf
It's an ancient thing as well, but hardware effects are deprecated, hence why OALS tries to re-implement them in software.
To be honest, i would rather check that than any EAX version specific documentation. (EAX 5.0 was the latest, to my knowledge, but again, doesn't matter; everything depends on what and how OALS implements these)