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Zoom to center instead of top-left

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:10 pm
Hi, simple question with a presumably simple answer. How do I zoom to the center instead of the top left?
I have an XScale and YScale variable, and when things are drawn, they are drawn to the scale of these variables:

Code: Select all,deltaX,deltaY,0,XScale,YScale)
When this zooms, it zooms to the top left, which can be a little disorienting. How do I zoom to the center?

Re: Zoom to center instead of top-left

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:40 pm
by pgimeno

Code: Select all

local w, h = BG:getDimensions(), deltaX, deltaY, 0, XScale, YScale, w/2, h/2)
This will have the side effect of drawing the image with its centre at the given coordinates, rather than its top left.