What you're attempting to build here is a
state machine (not a scene or state 'manager'). The reason why you'd want to use this to 'manage your scenes' is because you need a mechanism to switch between different parts of your game: the main menu, the options menu, the actual game, etc, right?
LÖVE has only a single global state (one love.load, one love.draw, etc.), which why a more flexible construct is desirable. pgimeno's point (I presume) is that your implementation is a minimal building block for that, but it is lacking in several ways: It only covers load, update, and draw, but there is more to a global game state that needs multiplexing: updating, drawing, loading, key presses, text input, mouse movement and mouse buttons, etc. are all equally important events, but you're ignoring most of them.
It'd also come in handy to have well defined enter/exit points (transitions) between states: when going from game to settings, I don't want to reset the entire game; but I probably want to reset the game state when the game is over and the player goes back to the main menu. Only having 'resetState' is lacking flexibility.
Since the repo is called 'Love2dGuides', it's only fair to assume you only want to show a general direction on how it could be done and leave the rest up to the reader: if you aim to provide a useful framework to be used by anyone, this is not enough though.