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love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:25 pm
by T-Bone
Different games have different needs. By making it clear what features we need early, the development of love-native-android can be focused on what people care about.

My personal list of features I'd love to see goes something like this:

1. An easy way to make stand-alone games. This one's obvious and has already been discussed quite a while, but is a make-or-break feature for me. I can work aroung bugs and missing features, but this is something I absolutely need for my game.
2. Multitouch. This one is also obvious, and I'm sure it's coming in the api. Perhaps it is already implemented? If so, how does it work? I think the java version made some progress here but I'm not sure how far they got. For my game, all I really need is to get two coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2) as arguments for a function which is called whenever fingers touch the screen.
3. Force orientation. My game needs to run in landscape mode at all times, regardless of phone settings. I think this is a feature that many other games will need as well. This is not really something that must be added explicitly, as long as we're talking stand-alone applications, this can easily be fixed with an extra line in AndroidManifest. But since some people here seem to want to use love-native-android for more than stand-alone games, this becomes kind of important for them.
4. Ads in the game. Not sure if this is possible but it would be awesome. I intend to release both a demo version and a full version of my game on Google Play. If I could make a little money by putting an ad in the game's menus, that would be great. This of quite low priority for me though. But I think that by supporting this, love-native-android can attract a lot of game developers both to itself and the Android platform as a whole.

I will add more as I realize I need them. Some of these features are already planned, some may be considered low-priority for now. Still, these are the features I need for my game.

What features does your game need? Post them here! :neko:

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:47 pm
by Ellohir

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:16 pm
by Bethwhite
great link

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:57 pm
by alberto_lara
Link down :( I was looking specifically if it's possible to put some ad on my games (?)

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:15 am
by Ranguna259
1+ for adds

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:58 pm
by alberto_lara
Great! :) any kind of ads like if it were made in Java?

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:24 am
by Positive07
Since T-Bone suggested many features I will answer his post (it is really old but anyway)
T-Bone wrote: 1. An easy way to make stand-alone games. This one's obvious and has already been discussed quite a while, but is a make-or-break feature for me. I can work aroung bugs and missing features, but this is something I absolutely need for my game.
1. It is not that hard once you have set your environment
T-Bone wrote: 2. Multitouch. This one is also obvious, and I'm sure it's coming in the api. Perhaps it is already implemented? If so, how does it work? I think the java version made some progress here but I'm not sure how far they got. For my game, all I really need is to get two coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2) as arguments for a function which is called whenever fingers touch the screen.
2. Done (and also now it supports gestures)
T-Bone wrote: 3. Force orientation. My game needs to run in landscape mode at all times, regardless of phone settings. I think this is a feature that many other games will need as well. This is not really something that must be added explicitly, as long as we're talking stand-alone applications, this can easily be fixed with an extra line in AndroidManifest. But since some people here seem to want to use love-native-android for more than stand-alone games, this becomes kind of important for them.
3. Use the AndroidManifest or just [wiki][/wiki] and [wiki][/wiki] (This doesn't modify the keyboard thought, since the keyboard is defined at installation time by the manifest)
T-Bone wrote: 4. Ads in the game. Not sure if this is possible but it would be awesome. I intend to release both a demo version and a full version of my game on Google Play. If I could make a little money by putting an ad in the game's menus, that would be great. This of quite low priority for me though. But I think that by supporting this, love-native-android can attract a lot of game developers both to itself and the Android platform as a whole.
4. Done by someone else

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:17 am
by undef
I would like to have vibration.
While it's annoying in some cases, it might be nice as a haptic feedback sometimes.

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:55 am
by slime
You should post feature requests in the love-android issue tracker (or the regular LÖVE issue tracker, if the feature request would also be useful on Windows/Mac/Linux.)
Positive07 wrote: 3. Use the AndroidManifest or just [wiki][/wiki] and [wiki][/wiki] (This doesn't modify the keyboard thought, since the keyboard is defined at installation time by the manifest)
The graphics transformations also won't affect input (mouse, touch) coordinates on their own.

The iOS port adds a new setting for t.window in love.conf and the flags table in love.window.setMode: an optional orientations table to let you choose which orientations to support in your code, e.g.:

Code: Select all

function love.conf(t)
    -- If you create this table, the values default to false so you don't need to specify every one.
    t.window.orientations = {
        landscapeleft = true,
        landscaperight = true,
        portrait = false,
        portraitupsidedown = false,
I don't believe it's possible to add the same functionality to the Android port though, unfortunately.

Re: love-native-android: request a feature

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:06 am
by Positive07
Nice! So if you are in one of those orientations it automatically changes? Does it calls resize when doing so?