Hi, I've created a .love that makes https requests without additional libraries.
Basically, it uses a .js file and uses the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP class that is built-in in Windows.
It was made in 30 minutes, therefore it can be definitely improved.
If you want to use this in your project, just add the file https.lua.
However, I would not recommend this, because you can't do 2 requests simultaneously and because it works only in Windows.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
P.S: I posted this thread in "General" because this is not a proper library.
[Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
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Re: [Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
That is an interesting way to do an https request without binaries.
Edit: using the same method I'm sure it's also possible to do https on Linux using whatever Unix command for retrieving a web page. I think it's wget. And I'm sure Mac has it's own command for retrieving a web page as well.
Edit: using the same method I'm sure it's also possible to do https on Linux using whatever Unix command for retrieving a web page. I think it's wget. And I'm sure Mac has it's own command for retrieving a web page as well.
Re: [Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
If we can improve this and make this more reliable it will be awesome
Edit: I have added an example .love
Edit: I have added an example .love
Re: [Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
Also we can just use luasec.
Science and violence
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Re: [Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
So... what release of luasec does not require other libraries? and more importantly, non-lua ones?
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
Re: [Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
This is a very fragile and hacky script but I like it.
I could see myself using something like this as a crude scraper tool.
Here I have cleaned up the code a little bit:
+ Removed the Love2D dependency so it can work using pure Lua.
+ Added temporary filenames so this could be used in parallel.
+ Certificate validation is ON by default - seems like xHttp.setOption(2, 13056) is probably insecure
+ Username and Pass can be supplied optionally using the table syntax: https.request{url='https://example.com',user='me',pass='secret'}
+ Better way to pass data from Lua to JavaScript (the reverse is not as elegant)
+ Works similarly to LuaSocket's http.request (returning the headers and body)
- The JavaScript part will only work with Windows.
- The console windows will pop up when using https.request.
- All requests are blocking
Usage (for experimentation and fun):
I could see myself using something like this as a crude scraper tool.
Here I have cleaned up the code a little bit:
Code: Select all
local https = {}
https.timeout = 0
https.js = [[
var script = %script%;
var url = %url%;
var method = %method%;
var data = %data%;
var username = %username%;
var password = %password%;
var timeout = %timeout%;
var headers = %headers%;
var status = 0;
var xHttp = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP");
if (timeout)
xHttp.setTimeouts(timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout);
xHttp.open(method, url, false, username, password);
for (var key in headers)
xHttp.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
var fsT = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
fsT.type = 2;
fsT.charset = headers['charset'];
fsT.saveToFile(script + "0", 2);
var response = xHttp.getAllResponseHeaders();
var FSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var file = FSO.CreateTextFile(script + "2", true);
file.Write(response + "\n");
status = xHttp.status;
catch (err)
status = 400;
var FSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var file = FSO.CreateTextFile(script + "1", true);
file.Write(status + "\n");
function https.request(url, data)
local p = {}
if type(url) == "table" then
for k, v in pairs(url) do
p[k] = v
p.url = url
p.data = data
p.url = p.url or ""
p.data = p.data or ""
p.method = p.method or "GET"
p.timeout = https.timeout
local h = p.headers or {}
h['charset'] = h['charset'] or "us-ascii"
h['conent-type'] = h['content-type'] or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
h['content-length'] = string.len(p.data)
p.headers = h
local script = os.tmpname()
p.script = script
local js = https.js
for k, v in pairs(p) do
if type(v) == "table" then
local t = {}
for j, w in pairs(v) do
if type(w) == "string" then
w = string.format("%q", w)
w = tostring(w)
local row = string.format("%q:%s", j, w)
table.insert(t, row)
v = "{"..table.concat(t, ",\n").."}"
elseif type(v) == "string" then
v = string.format("%q", v)
v = tostring(v)
js = js:gsub("%%"..k.."%%", v)
js = js:gsub("%%(.-)%%", "null")
local file = io.open(script..".js", "w")
if not file then
local console = io.popen(script..".js", "r")
local response = {}
for i = 0, 2 do
local out = io.open(script..i, "r")
if out then
response[i + 1] = out:read("*a")
response[2] = tonumber(response[2])
return unpack(response)
return https
+ Added temporary filenames so this could be used in parallel.
+ Certificate validation is ON by default - seems like xHttp.setOption(2, 13056) is probably insecure
+ Username and Pass can be supplied optionally using the table syntax: https.request{url='https://example.com',user='me',pass='secret'}
+ Better way to pass data from Lua to JavaScript (the reverse is not as elegant)
+ Works similarly to LuaSocket's http.request (returning the headers and body)
- The JavaScript part will only work with Windows.
- The console windows will pop up when using https.request.
- All requests are blocking
Usage (for experimentation and fun):
Code: Select all
https = require("https")
function love.load()
body, status, headers = https.request("https://love2d.org/")
function love.draw()
love.graphics.print(tostring(status), 0, 0)
love.graphics.print(tostring(body), 0, 20)
- Prole
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:34 am
Re: [Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
Here is a quick hack that adds support for mac/linux via curl (cli tool.) It could use detection of wget/curl as well as better parsing of options and return value so they both match, but it has the rough idea.
Code: Select all
local https = {}
-- hacky OS detection
local ostype = package.config:sub(1,1) == "\\" and "windows" or "posix"
https.timeout = 0
local function handleArgs(url, data)
local p = {}
if type(url) == "table" then
for k, v in pairs(url) do
p[k] = v
p.url = url
p.data = data
p.url = p.url or ""
p.data = p.data or ""
p.method = p.method or "GET"
p.timeout = https.timeout
local h = p.headers or {}
h['charset'] = h['charset'] or "us-ascii"
h['conent-type'] = h['content-type'] or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
h['content-length'] = string.len(p.data)
p.headers = h
return p
if ostype == "windows" then
https.js = [[
var script = %script%;
var url = %url%;
var method = %method%;
var data = %data%;
var username = %username%;
var password = %password%;
var timeout = %timeout%;
var headers = %headers%;
var status = 0;
var xHttp = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP");
if (timeout)
xHttp.setTimeouts(timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout);
xHttp.open(method, url, false, username, password);
for (var key in headers)
xHttp.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
var fsT = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
fsT.type = 2;
fsT.charset = headers['charset'];
fsT.saveToFile(script + "0", 2);
var response = xHttp.getAllResponseHeaders();
var FSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var file = FSO.CreateTextFile(script + "2", true);
file.Write(response + "\n");
status = xHttp.status;
catch (err)
status = 400;
var FSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var file = FSO.CreateTextFile(script + "1", true);
file.Write(status + "\n");
function https.request(url, data)
local p = handleArgs(url, data)
local script = os.tmpname()
p.script = script
local js = https.js
for k, v in pairs(p) do
if type(v) == "table" then
local t = {}
for j, w in pairs(v) do
if type(w) == "string" then
w = string.format("%q", w)
w = tostring(w)
local row = string.format("%q:%s", j, w)
table.insert(t, row)
v = "{"..table.concat(t, ",\n").."}"
elseif type(v) == "string" then
v = string.format("%q", v)
v = tostring(v)
js = js:gsub("%%"..k.."%%", v)
js = js:gsub("%%(.-)%%", "null")
local file = io.open(script..".js", "w")
if not file then
local console = io.popen(script..".js", "r")
local response = {}
for i = 0, 2 do
local out = io.open(script..i, "r")
if out then
response[i + 1] = out:read("*a")
response[2] = tonumber(response[2])
return unpack(response)
function https.request(url, data)
local p = handleArgs(url, data)
-- TODO: did not dig into options of other thing, this just uses URL
-- TODO: detect curl/wget
local console = io.popen("curl -s '"..p.url.."'", "r")
-- local console = io.popen("wget -qO- '"..p.url.."'", "r")
local o = console:read("*all")
return o
return https
- Citizen
- Posts: 67
- Joined: Sat May 08, 2021 9:45 pm
Re: [Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
but what version uses? in 11.4 throws an error:bio1712 wrote: ↑Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:58 pm Hi, I've created a .love that makes https requests without additional libraries.
Basically, it uses a .js file and uses the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP class that is built-in in Windows.
It was made in 30 minutes, therefore it can be definitely improved.
If you want to use this in your project, just add the file https.lua.
However, I would not recommend this, because you can't do 2 requests simultaneously and because it works only in Windows.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
P.S: I posted this thread in "General" because this is not a proper library.
"C:\Users\Alejandro" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.
and i guess is just an folder mess of windows lol cuz the user folder has spaces (my user)
Code: Select all
target = boardIndex.getWhosPeekingThisLine()
Re: [Test]HTTPS support for Windows (NO libraries required)
You know you bumped a 4 year old thread? It won't be 11.4.
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A card game that brings sword fighting to life.
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Idle gridiron. Set team orders then idle and watch: https://togfox.itch.io/idle-gridiron
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