I downloaded the zip version 11.1 in to my Mac, unzip it and put the app into the application folder. When I click on that app I get a window displaying a ballon with text "no game".
When I check for the version "love --version" I get the error
-bash: love: command not found
Is this a bug/ known issue for Mac? Please let me know.
Has anyone try running Love on MacBook?
If you wish you may want to add an alias, or update your $PATH variable so you can just call love from bash.
To run it from the Finder you need to drag mygame directory onto love.app. MacOS might complain about security - in such a case go to Settings -> Security & Privacy and click "Open anyway" button. Then drag mygame directory onto love.app again.
that usually happens when you try to run main.lua directly with löve, and not the folder, as it was said above.
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.