split string help
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:58 pm
I want to get a string such as 'Hello World' and store the first two words in variables 'a' and 'b'.
the above code will only catch 'World' if str was 'Hello World' and store that in a, b is nil
I tried this but as expected it quits after the first iteration, so a is 'Hello' but b is nil
this works, it prints 'Hello' and then 'World' but how do I get those values and store them into variables.
I found a solution.
split a string in Lua
so the above code splits a string based on the delimiter for example " " (space) and stores that in a table result and returns that table.
Then you can store that into a variable and index the table[1] and table[2] to get the first two entries.
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function word(str,a,b) --assume str is 'Hello World'
for i,j in str:gmatch("%w+") do
a,b = i,j --catches I twice the second time its nil
return a,b
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function word(str) --assume str is 'Hello World'
for i,j in str:gmatch("%w+") do
return i,j --only catches I and quits
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function word(str) --assume str is 'Hello World'
for i,j in str:gmatch("%w+") do
print(i,j) --catches both I and j and prints
I found a solution.
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function split(s, delimiter)
result = {}
for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do
table.insert(result, match)
return result
so the above code splits a string based on the delimiter for example " " (space) and stores that in a table result and returns that table.
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local splice = split(text," ")
input1,input2 = splice[1],splice[2]