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Any way to proper toggleFullscreen function

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:37 pm
by greycoder
Hellow everyone, I've tried coding like that

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love.window.setFullscreen(not love.window.getFullscreen())
But in case of 'fullscreen mode' > 'windowed mode' you get window adjusted to screen size
Then I coded

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local fsc_val = love.window.getFullscreen()
if fsc_val then
	love.window.updateMode(_config.window.width, _config.window.height, {fullscreen = false})
where _config is some global to link to conf table. Is there better way to code toggleFullscreen function without making globals?

Re: Any way to proper toggleFullscreen function

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:13 am
by Duck Duckinson

Create a file in the same directory as your main.lua named "conf.lua"
Inside you put:

function love.conf(t)
t.window.fullscreen = true

Re: Any way to proper toggleFullscreen function

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 4:54 am
by Nixola
First of all: default fullscreen is evil.
Second, the question was about toggling it, not setting it.

Re: Any way to proper toggleFullscreen function

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:27 am
by zorg
From the wiki: love.window.setFullscreen
If fullscreen mode is entered and the window size doesn't match one of the monitor's display modes (in normal fullscreen mode) or the window size doesn't match the desktop size (in 'desktop' fullscreen mode), the window will be resized appropriately. The window will revert back to its original size again when fullscreen mode is exited using this function.
Basically, it should go back to the size the window had before going to fullscreen.