Chinese IME candidate list display
Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:29 am
I've just figured out how to enable the candidate list display for windows Chinese IME. This problem disturbed me for long time.
I've sent an issue to megasource repo in bitbucket.
here is what we get replace the sdl2.dll in the love folder. and voila.
oh, to set the caret position for the candidate list, you have to use user32.dll for windows.
I've sent an issue to megasource repo in bitbucket.
here is what we get replace the sdl2.dll in the love folder. and voila.
oh, to set the caret position for the candidate list, you have to use user32.dll for windows.
Code: Select all
local ffi = require("ffi")
ffi.cdef [[
long CreateCaret(long hwnd,long map,long width,long height);
long GetForegroundWindow(void);
long SetCaretPos(long x,long y);
long SetFocus(long hwnd);]]
local gamehwnd=u32.GetForegroundWindow()